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2014 Compact

VAR/BOJ At our sites in Varna and Burgas, we have made a commitment to comply with internationally recognized standards and principles, such as the UN Global Compact. In early 2014, the operating company Fraport Twin Star Airport Management (FTSAM) also adopted the Codes of Conduct for Employees and Sup- pliers introduced by Fraport in its regulations and contracts. The primary focus of personnel policy in- cludes the further training of employees as well as safety in the workplace and health pro- tection. In addition to regular health checks, health promotion programs and training on handling specific risks in the workplace were carried out in 2014. Information campaigns regarding the prevention of accidents, indi- vidual measures, biannual monitoring, and analyses of health states should also reduce the rate of illness-related leave. In order to min- imize the risk of back injuries in employees, vacuum lifting systems have been introduced in baggage handling at both airports. FTSAM controls environment-related activ- ities at Varna and Burgas airports via a joint environmental management system. This allows risks to be identified and minimized as well as environmental performance to be improved. The operating company has declared environmental protection to be one of the most important goals of the new Code of Conduct. Various measures have been implemented in this context, such as the separation of recyclable waste since 2013. A further goal is the responsible handling of the precious commodity, water. This includes the purification of rainwater at both airports, which can be charged with plane de-icing agent in the event of snowfall or frost. Together with the City of Burgas, FTSAM is fi- nancing the construction of a noise abatement wall, which should be completed in 2015. This should reduce the noise pollution caused by Burgas Airport in neighboring Sarafo. The company has operated its own aircraft noise monitoring system at both airports since 2012. Each of the 4 stationary measuring points lie within the modeled aircraft noise profiles of between 60 and 65 dB(A) around the cities of Varna and Burgas. In addition, FTSAM commits to initiatives at both sites, such as donation and collection campaigns for social facilities, and promotes cultural life as well as the development of tourism in the region. Varna and Burgas – Varna Airport and Burgas Airport 52 2014 CompactResponsible Corporate Management 522014 CompactResponsible Corporate Management

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