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2014 Compact

124.7 Shareholders (dividends) 110.0 Company (retained earnings) 17.1 Share of profits for shareholders with non-controlling interests 6.4 Expenses for the common good (donations, sponsorship, etc.) 132.5 Public sector (deductions, taxes) Our added value 176.7 Lenders (interest expense) 970.4 Employees (wages, salaries, social deductions) € million 1,537.8 73 % of Fraport AG’s order volume went to companies in the Rhine-Main region. Added value statement Unlike the external income statement, the added value statement does not take into account the owners’ perspectives, but rather illustrates Fraport AG’s proportion of private and public income. We make an important contribution to creating regional value and social stability at our sites. In 2014, we paid our employees around €970.4 million in wag- es and salaries and deducted approximately €132.5 million in direct taxes. In financial year 2014, we generated total revenue amounting to around €2.4 billion. Around 73 %  (€520 million) of the order volume from Fraport AG totaling €712 million was placed with companies in the Rhine-Main region. It is important to remember here that airport operators are sector contractors and are precluded on legal grounds from granting preference to companies from the surround- ing area when they place orders. Our Group companies abroad also make a major contribution to value creation in their respective regions, for example, through the payment of above-average wages and sala- ries – in comparison to national levels. More detailed information regarding the effects on our environment can be found in the GRI report on our home page at sustainability. 272014 Compact Financial Development

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