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2014 Compact

Objective: Development of specialist and management employees in the Group with an immigration background Duration: 2020 Measure Status Development and implementation of a strategy for specialist and management employees in the Group >> In progress Diversity and equal opportunities Guaranteeing the same employment and promotion opportunities without preference or discrimination with regard to personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion, ideology, disability, or sexual orientation. Objective: Increasing the proportion of women in management positions to 25 %–35 % within the Fraport parent company Duration: 2018 Measure Status Increasing the part-time working rate of men and women in management roles >> Proportion of management employees in reduced full-time employment in 2014: 5.7 % Further development of underlying indicators The proportion of women in management positions was specified as a KPI. From 2014, additional underlying indicators will be recorded, such as: >> Female proportion •• of new hires •• in potential assessment centers >> Satisfaction of female employees (measured using the Fraport barometer) Analysis of salary increases for women >> Regular review on the basis of Logib-D structural data. The basis for this is the results determined jointly with the Cologne Institute for Economic Research, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth in early 2014. Development of specific training and courses for women >> Seminars and personal coaching appropriate for the target group aimed at women in management or with management potential VIISustainability Program 2014

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