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2014 Compact - Situation of the Group

in % Fraport AG is a public company limited by shares (Aktiengesellschaft) in accordance with German law – with the management and control being divided over 2 independent bodies (two-tier board). While Fraport’s Ex- ecutive Board is responsible for management and leads the Group, the Supervisory Board monitors this activity. The Executive Board, which is appointed by the Supervisory Board, was composed of the 4 members Dr Stefan Schulte (Chairman), Anke Giesen (Operations), Michael Müller (Director of Labor Relations), and Dr Matthias Zieschang (Controlling and Finances) at the end of 2014. In accordance with German law, the Supervisory Board consists of 20 members and is elected equally by the shareholders and the employees of the company. In the event of a tie vote in Supervisory Board resolutions, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, who must be from among the shareholder repre- sentatives, is entitled to a second vote. As an additional decision-making and super- visory body, the shareholders of Fraport AG exercise their right to a voice and a vote at the AGM. The ordinary AGM of Fraport AG is held in the first 6 months of the financial year and makes decisions concerning the tasks assigned to it by law, such as the appropriation of profits, election and approval of the actions of the members of the Supervisory Board, and approval of the actions of the Executive Board. Each share entitles the owner to one vote. The shareholders can exercise their voting right themselves or via an authorized third party. There are no differing classes of shares. Division of management and control Annual General Meeting (1 share = 1 vote) > appoints members > controls > reports to > authorized to convene > sets the agenda and proposes resolutions > ratifies the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board > elects 50 % of the Supervisory Board > adopts resolutions regarding amendments to the company statutes > selects the auditor > adopts resolutions regarding the appropriation of profits > elect 50 % of the Supervisory Board > reports to Executive Board (management body) Supervisory Board (control body) Fraport employees Overview of Group management and control Shareholder structure 31.35 State of Hesse 4.87 RARE Infrastructure Limited 20.02 Stadtwerke Frankfurt am Main Holding GmbH 35.31 Free Float 8.45 Deutsche Lufthansa AG Situation of the Group 8 2014 CompactSituation of the Group 82014 CompactSituation of the Group

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